You have less than a minute to capture your audience's attention.

Have I got yours?

Tell me, have you ever wished your website

  • Helped you make more sales
  • Allowed people to find the information they need easily
  • Encouraged users to do what you want them to do
  • Was praised for being easy to use, and brought repeat business
  • Worked with you to smash your business goals
Yes, help me!

Let's look at some stats 👀

You deserve to have a website that assists you with your business goals, not hinder them.

70% of online shoppers abandon their carts because of poor UX1

Every $1 spent on UX returns $1002

Read that again. Shocking, but true! 🤑

1 in 6 of Australians have a disability3

There's a large audience you could be accidentally excluding.

So, what is the solution?

A website audit 🕵️

My website audits thoroughly review your website page by page looking for anything that could be impacting how your customers are behaving, what is impacting conversions, and causing people to flee.  

Let's make your website the effective employee it can be!

An example of an audit, multiple notes are shown on a screenshot of a website homepage.
An example of an audit, multiple notes are shown on a screenshot of a website homepage.

How does an audit work?

Start from the beginning, and work meticulously page by page

My audits look at your website on both a granular level and holistically. Each page is thoroughly reviewed across mobile and desktop for anything that can impact usability, accessibility, aesthetics or comprehension.

The key areas that review are:

  • Design
  • Development
  • Copy / Content
  • Accessibility
  • Recommendations
  • Kudos

What am I looking for?

These can be specific to every audit based on what your particular concerns are, but they will always include highlighting any

  • Design inconsistencies that can impact brand and content perception
  • How to improve messaging on the page
  • Simplify user actions e.g. make it as simple as we can for users to do what they're on your site for!
  • Accessibility improvements so everyone has an equal opportunity to utilise your services
Where do I sign up?

In simple terms, getting in every nook and cranny! 🔎

When I say deep, I mean deep. My page-by-page breakdowns will likely give you hundreds of notes (my record is 346 for a single audit!) on how to improve your website which will lead to more conversions and happier customers.

Thanks to my digital post-it note system, you can quickly decipher which area the note refers to, accessibility and usability impacts of the problem, as well as an indication of the priority and effort it will take to action it.

Can you summarise it for me?

I sure can! As a companion to the page-by-page breakdown you will receive a summary document that focuses on the highlights. It answers what are the key things to focus on, why they are important, and a recommendation on which order to tackle them.

A screen of an audit summary report.
Notes about a sites footer, and inclusion of a fixed banner.
Recommendations on splitting content across multiple pages.

Usability and accessibility = a match made in heaven!

Usability and accessibility go hand in hand. My audits provide both usability and accessibility insights, so you can be sure you're not alienating your audience. Whilst you can't be sued for a non-accessible website, you can be sued for discrimination.

The wonderful thing is the majority of what makes a website accessible has far-reaching benefits for all users, including assisting with SEO.

Who am I?

Howdy, I'm Shannon an Experience Designer who has been making websites better and more accessible for over eight years.

I've helped numerous companies of all sizes improve their digital presence and accessibility, and I know what it takes to make a great website and experience for your customers.

I cannot wait to help you uncover your website's full potential!

Just some of the brilliant companies I’ve collaborated with

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I am truly grateful for the expert analysis that Shannon undertook for us on the WFWP Australia website. Shannon spent over 10 hours going through our pages, yes, there was a lot to improve!

Page by page, Shannon explained how to make the look, read, and web-browser experience so much better. I highly recommend Shannon's talent for detail for anyone's web development.

Anna Bellavance
President, WFWP Australia

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I am truly grateful for the expert analysis that Shannon undertook for us on the WFWP Australia website. Page by page, Shannon explained how to make the look, read, and web-browser experience so much better.

I highly recommend Shannon's talent for detail for anyone's web development.

Anna Bellavance
President, Women's Federation for World Peace

What do you get?

I offer three audit packages tailored to meet your specific needs. Each is designed to provide valuable insights into usability and accessibility with varying levels of depth and analysis, ensuring you receive the most suitable evaluation for your website.

Each package includes:

  • Page by page breakdown: A comprehensive breakdown of all pages across desktop and mobile with notes covering several key areas.
  • Summary document: A summarised document focused on the audit highlights, how to prioritise those actions and why you should.

Other possible inclusions:

  • Post audit meeting: An opportunity to ask any questions and pick my brain. These will be recorded and provided for you to rewatch.
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Compliance: There is a specific set of criteria for a website to be accessible that I can help you meet. Find out more information here.
  • Specific user flow reviews: Do you have a certain scenario (e.g. people making an appointment) that you want specific advice for? This feature is for you!
  • Brand analysis: A holistic brand review focused on consistency and accessibility across your website, social media, and other limited material i.e. PowerPoint.

What is not included:

  • Implementation: These packages do not include any design time. However, this is absolutely something I can assist with and can discuss options with you post-audit.
  • SEO Analysis: Some of my suggestions can relate to SEO, but specific analysis of your SEO is not included in any package.

Audit Packages

Packages for every budget and need. Upgrade options are available upon purchase.

Health Check

Get started


Get started

Complete Compliance

Get started
PagesHomepage OnlyUp to 10 pagesUp to 18 pages
Summary Report
Page Breakdown
Post Audit Meeting
Accessibility InsightsIntermediateIntermediateWCAG AA/AAA
Usability InsightsIntermediateIntermediateAdvanced
Specific User Flows
Up to 2 flowsUp to 4 flows
Brand Analysis

Health Check

PagesHomepage only
Summary Report
Page Breakdown
Post Audit Meeting
Accessibility InsightsBasic
Usability InsightsBasic
Specific User Flows
Branding Analysis


PagesUp to 10 pages
Summary Report
Page Breakdown
Post Audit Meeting
Accessibility InsightsIntermediate
Usability InsightsIntermediate
Specific User FlowsUp to 2 flows
Branding AnalysisBasic

Complete Compliance

PagesUp to 18 pages
Summary Report
Page Breakdown
Post Audit Meeting
Accessibility InsightsWCAG AA/AAA
Usability InsightsAdvanced
Specific User FlowsUp to 4 flows
Branding AnalysisAdvanced

Looking for something more bespoke?

I offer a 'Check Out Your Check Out' audit specifically for e-commerce retailers, or I can put together a unique package tailored to your specific needs.

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Shannon is able to approach information from many different lenses and provides recommendations that go beyond simple usability of products. It is this holistic approach to everything that makes Shannon’s work so much more valuable.”

Brendan Sharman
Creative Director, JTB Studios

Blue outlined quotation mark icon

Shannon is able to approach information from many different lenses and provides recommendations that go beyond simple usability of products. It is this holistic approach to everything that makes Shannon’s work so much more valuable.”

Brendan Sharman
Creative Director, JTB Studios


Does my website need to be accessible?

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Accessibility is an important area of design that is only gaining more importance as time goes on. Being accessible allows everyone to have a better experience (including you with those SEO perks!).

For government organisations, it is a legal requirement to be AA compliant (or higher). However, there have been multiple Australian lawsuits for discrimination where disabled users have not been able to use a website. Coles and the Sydney Olympics are highly publicised cases.

The WCAG guidelines cover a wide variety of disabilities including ADHD and dyslexia. Many if not all can benefit by having larger text, higher contrast, and subtitles just to name a few. By not being accessible you could be missing out on more business, and potentially open yourself up to legal action. It seems like a no-brainer!

Do these audits include design or implementation?

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These packages do not include design.

Implementation is something I would be happy to assist you with, and we can discuss options once the audit is completed.

Do you audit apps as well?

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Yes, I can audit apps and ensure they align with your relevant OS (iOS/Android). Contact for specific pricing.

I need more pages, can I add extra?

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You sure can! You can add up to 15 additional pages when purchasing. Please get in contact if you require more than this.

I have a particular concern about my website, can you help?

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My silver and gold packages include specific user flows where you can choose a specific action that I review in more detail, e.g. making a purchase, booking an appointment, etc. You are more than welcome to provide more information on your concerns and additional context before the audit commences.

What will I receive at the end of the audit?

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You’ll receive a Figma link with a page-by-page breakdown, the summary document and any other materials your audit includes. This can also be provided as a PDF if preferred.

How long do audits usually take?

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Audits will be completed within 1-2 weeks after ordering.

What should I do after an audit?

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An audit from me will be chock full of suggestions (one of my audits had over 350 individual comments!). Between the summary document and page-by-page breakdown you will have concrete steps and recommendations on how to prioritise and action the notes.

Don't forget, that I'm always able to assist with implementation!

Ready to take your website to the next level?

What is the next step?

After you have purchased one of my packages there will be a short questionnaire that will tell me everything I need to know before commencing the audit. You will also have the opportunity to provide any additional notes and context, which user flows need attention, and any additional assets needed for your selected package.

Audits typically take up to two weeks. Once it is completed depending on your package we can book a meeting where I can take you through the findings, or you will be sent the files for your review.

Sounds good, hey?

Let's join forces!

Let me show you how great your website can be. I also offer bespoke packages if you'd like to submit a brief.